Advertise with us.
Standard membership.
What you get: Your very own active listing on This is a dedicated “grid card” which will showcase your business and brand. When a visitor clicks, a "Modal pop-up" will open, featuring up to 5 photos showing off your brand, products, and services! A great place to highlight promotions and more. We will include “call to action” buttons linking your website and social media accounts. This is all about getting your name out there!
- Card Image
- Brand name & Logo
- Category
- Province
- Short description (280 characters)
- Image Slider (5 images)
- Brand name & Logo
- Info & Description (700 characters)
- Call to action button X 1
- Social media links x 3

Premium membership.
What you get: This will be the first touch point for all HerbalHabits visitors. Ensuring maximum exposure and exclusivity for your business and brand.
All the juicy goodness of the 'Standard membership' and you will receive a slide on our main page banner of HerbalHabits. The banner slide will include a button to open your detail modal pop-up. On the modal pop-up you will receive additional space for text and images, as well as a video embed.
We will limit this membership to a maximum of 5 clients per month (renewable to retain your membership).
- Slide background
- Brand name & Logo
- Introduction text (300 characters)
- Button linked to your modal pop-up.
- Card Image
- Brand name & Logo
- Category
- Province
- Short description (280 characters)
- Image Slider (5 images)
- Brand name & Logo
- Info & Description (700 characters)
- Call to action button X 1
- Social media links X 3
- Addition info section
(700 characters & Image) X 3
- Video embed X 1
- Once per month HerbalHabits will dedicate a post on our Instagram page to promote your business/brand.
- Once per month HerbalHabits will dedicate a post on our Facebook page to promote your business/brand.