Fields of Green for All


Fields of Green for ALL – Who, What and Why?

Established as the evidence provider for The Trial of the Plant, our mission continues with the fight to have this evidence heard. The slow and frustrating pace of Cannabis law reform in South Africa (and the rest of Africa) is entirely due to this evidence not being heard. Fear-based draft legislation and regulations, centered around the perceived harms of the Cannabis plant shows us that no credible evidence underlies the efforts of the legislators & regulators’ efforts thus far.

What we are seeing here in South Africa is the continued colonial, corporate capture of the trade in the Cannabis plant. Users, growers and traders continue to be arrested by the South African Police Services and our #StopTheCops campaign has kept us busy since 2013.

In April 2021 we published Cannabis in South Africa: The People’s Plant. A full Spectrum Manifesto for Policy Reform. Our Manifesto and its contents, 6 years in the making, contains everything we stand for and everything we are still fighting for, both in the courts and on the ground.

“We will not stop until we achieve Fields of Green for ALL for ALL South Africans so that we may be an example for the rest of Africa and ALL citizens of the world. We owe it to this plant that has been so good to us in so many ways.”
Myrtle Clarke, August 2021